ventureLINX now offers Work Incentive Planning (WIP)


For the Job Seeker: Our benefits planning services guide people through the complex process of understanding their Social Security benefits by providing a streamlined, easy-to-understand explanation and summary of the results of the service. 

For the Employer: As we assist more individuals with becoming educated about their benefits and entering back into the workforce, employers will see an increase in quality candidates who are eager to seek employment and who will be dedicated to the role they are applying for. 

For the Funding Source: There are different funding sources that can help provide more information that can partner with and utilize ventureLINX as a valuable resource; we provide in-person and virtual informational sessions to their individuals and families/payees to inform them about our benefits planning services. 

Work Incentive Practitioner – Morgan Triplett 


Phone: 419-586-2137 Ext. 217 


Join ventureLINX for Community Night


Congratulations on your new job, Chris!